Friday, March 19, 2010

I Can't Podcast 55

While Pat tries to edit some of the video we have from Kate the Great Day, here are a couple of photos to tide you over.

Disclaimer: There are only so many photos one can take sitting shotgun in a JEEP Cherokee with a computer on their lap and a microphone in their hand...

Somewhere near Exit 58 and thus a Friendly's, McDonald's, Dunkin' Donuts and Papa Gino's...

This is where the magic happens: One laptop running (the often troublesome) Audacity with a mic plugged into it. I brought the mixer, all the mics and even an AC to DC car cigarette lighter adapter but managed to forget the power source wire for the mixer... hence the back and forth with the single mic.

Apparently the truck had no comment.

Pat edited a lot of this photo-taking out of the podcast, but if I remember correctly there were like 6 of these trucks in a row...

...and naturally there was some kind of "ass plunder" joke.

(You might have to zoom in for that to make any sense)

Bonus Photo:

What blog post would be complete without hilarious puns and gratuitous product placement?

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