Wednesday, August 12, 2009

For Those About to PodCast.....

It all started with this:

One Bell & Howell 406 B tape recorder, the Educator Series with automatic tape stop... that may or may not have belonged to the Scituate school district at one time or another.

Mix in four jackasses, free tickets to AC/DC at Gillette Stadium, plenty of booze, and you've got yourself a podcast. Well actually, subtract the booze, add a 90 minute long car ride and we might have some poor quality audio to share at a later date.

For now, here's some random photos:

Pat clearly enjoying our company as we all tailgate in the parking lot while sipping on some delicious PBR and reading from the Satanic Bible... not to mention blocking all of us from the beer supply and rubbing his musk all over the back of Phil's car

View of the AC/DC stage from our seats

ok, so for what we paid, they're pretty damn good, but the 2 second delay was a bit tough to deal with

I'll leave you with this last photo... keep in mind that that bottle of Evan Williams and the cooler behind it were full before the show started....

Perhaps one of these days I'll let you (and Pat) in on what went down... Stay Tuned

1 comment:

  1. I can understand that there's no mention of me, since I'm not in these pictures. That makes sense. But was it necessary to tag this post as "no mention of Albie"? I mean, that sort of defies the purpose of tagging... and it's borderline hurtful. Come on.
