Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Adventures in Drunk Gambling

Podcast Part I of the Gader Goes to Vegas saga should be posted soon. Here's a little photo montage of what's to come.

Half of a pastrami sandwich from the Carnegie Deli... the thing was the size of my head with unlimited mustard and 3 whole pickles. Of course I ate the whole thing.

Two questions: Why bother with the bread? and Are Jews really willing to drop $20 on just a sandwich?

What Tfo refers to as the "Big Boy Chips"... well technically he calls the $25s that... all care of Black 23, Mario Johnsons, and Buddy Greco.

Lion at the MGM Grand...
If you look closely you'll notice the lion chilling out above the little walkway thing and then his two "handlers" inside the pen, clearly ready for anything.

The dude on the right is actually texting someone.

Just a little pre-gaming at O'Sheas with family and friends.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Is that thing regulation or what?!

I know, I's been a while since we've posted on the blog. If I didn't have to be up for work in 4 hours I'd definitely indulge you all with pictures of the legendary toilet setup at the Sweetwater Cafe... next time.

Instead I leave you with this:

If you weren't aware, it's MOVEMBER!!! (a.k.a. No Shave November) So grow out that beard and when the time comes, carve yourself a fine's for a good cause. If you want to send any donations my way, the email address is at the top of the page. Facial hair is fun.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

For Those About to PodCast.....

It all started with this:

One Bell & Howell 406 B tape recorder, the Educator Series with automatic tape stop... that may or may not have belonged to the Scituate school district at one time or another.

Mix in four jackasses, free tickets to AC/DC at Gillette Stadium, plenty of booze, and you've got yourself a podcast. Well actually, subtract the booze, add a 90 minute long car ride and we might have some poor quality audio to share at a later date.

For now, here's some random photos:

Pat clearly enjoying our company as we all tailgate in the parking lot while sipping on some delicious PBR and reading from the Satanic Bible... not to mention blocking all of us from the beer supply and rubbing his musk all over the back of Phil's car

View of the AC/DC stage from our seats

ok, so for what we paid, they're pretty damn good, but the 2 second delay was a bit tough to deal with

I'll leave you with this last photo... keep in mind that that bottle of Evan Williams and the cooler behind it were full before the show started....

Perhaps one of these days I'll let you (and Pat) in on what went down... Stay Tuned

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hungry Hungry Harpos and other hilarious trivia night names

RE: Podcast Episode 5 and bars with fantastic/awkward-as-all-hell bathroom setups.

Our buddy JROCK finally snapped us a few choice photos of quite possibly the best bar/bar bathroom in all of the UMASS Amherst/Five College area.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... THE HARP!

Yes sir that is most definitely a trough just inches away from your standard sit down shitter, and yes, three people have been known to occupy the space at the same time.
(Not pictured is the window above the trough that looks out into the bar's parking lot.)

This is the wrap around bar at the Harp where myself and Mr. Hayes have been known to belly up to once or twice in our lives...where the pitchers of Molson flow like wine, and the fish and chips seem a bit too good for a place so far from the ocean.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What are you drinking tonight, Pat?

Oh just a little something delicious that the brewers at Dogfish Head cooked up for us....

Dear Rogues Gallery,
Is that a sloop?
-Pat and Gader

Action shots of Pat savoring the unfiltered, unfettered, and unprecedented Squall IPA from Dogfish Head.

If you thought their 90 Minute IPA was good, ooooh boy are you in for a bottle conditioned treat.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Open the Podcast Bay Doors, HAL

Check out our sweet new Behringer XENYX802 mixer in all its loose wire glory.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Gader Finally Stops Talking About Mexico...

¡Adios muchachos!

(Note how the sky in the picture is completely foreshadowing my return to Boston the next day and the subsequent 22 days of rain)
The swim up bar is where it's at... the combination 90 degree humidity bronzing the torso, bath temperature pool water covering the lower extremities/sucking out all your fluids via osmosis, and then the constant flow of frozen margarita from lips to stomach is quite pleasant. Plus when you finally fall off your bar stool it hurts much less (unless of course you drown).

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Feliz Cumpleanos A Mi

Chichen serpent itza-ing the big Mayan El Castillo pyramid

If you look REALLY close you'll notice the Mexican sleeping on top of the ruins to the right of the photo... I pass no judgement

(also it looks like Dr. H is peeing on the wall while Irene's Mom acts as a lookout)

And that brings me to my birthday dinner at the Sirloin Stockade. The fried chicken at the buffet was fantastic, but the lack of steak was a bit suspect. Their cows apparently also have the shortest legs ever.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Technical difficulties, please stand by....

Mother effing piece of monkey$#!^&!!!&*#!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, so as you may have noticed there hasn't been a Podcast in a while. Pat's crappy/inconstant mixer mentioned in Podcast 17 has finally shit-the-bed. If you have an extra one lying around or are just feeling charitable, please feel free to drop us a line and we'll come take it off your hands. Otherwise, it's going to be a little while until we get things rolling again. Stay tuned......

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Viva La Swine Flu!!!

Pat and Gader Present is going to take a little siesta as Gader travels to Cancun for a little R&R.

(R&R is obviously code for tequila, swine flu and donkey shows)

In the meantime, here's a Mexican photo related to our ever popular Cinco de Podcast Episode. It's me and my Mexican drug lord friend, Senor Miguel de Territo. We keep our stash in the maracas.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Orange Juice Anybody?

Assembly Hall at the University of Illinois at Ubana-Champagne.

Home of the Fightin' Illini basketball team and my little brother's graduation ceremony.

Also doubles as a giant juicer for making some fresh screwdrivers on graduation morning.

I'm sure you don't care, but you can also listen and view shakey video as they call my brother's name (David A. Gader) at the ceremony. Around the 50 second mark you'll also notice that I clearly woke my father up.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Men, The Myths, The Mustaches

(and this time we might even be in the same room/state)
My mustache brings all the boys to the yard.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ode to Paddy's/Christening the Bar

You may remember a certain Irish whiskey enjoyed by County Kerry radio personalities of yore and Hoseys of all generations. (Podcast Episode 4 for those of you scoring at home)

Also a not terribly descriptive shot of the new bar at the Intersection Bar and Grill....although it's still technically not finished yet. We were able to take down the yellow caution tape and send home the police detail though.

(bonus points if you can name the Podcast the bar construction is mentioned in...because I can't remember and was too lazy to skim through them all)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Harvard Mayfair

Random stage with underage people dancing on it, making me feel uncomfortable.

Hosey and Beth stare intently at the underage boys "poppin' & lockin'" at the random stage set up in the middle of the square.

Naturally the Red Line was down so they had Thomas the Tank Engine transporting people right through the Mayfair. Mind the gap/giant wheels passing inches from your toes.

Adalius Thomas of the NE Patriots.. and yes I was too cheap to pay the $5 for charity that would not only get me inside to take a photo with the man, but also to sample some of his BBQ.

Van Gogh, as drawn by a person with two ears.... of yeah, and a whole lot of chalk.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bum Fights

Bird's-eye view of the crazy homeless man who kept punching the free newspaper holders. You can listen to his trials and tribulations on Podcast 15.

View's looking left and right respectively from Jay's rooftop patio. I believe its the MFA and then the Jumbotron at Fenway under the Citgo sign. Obviously things are a bit clearer during the day or through something other than a crappy cell phone camera

(although it's generally this fuzzy after a liter of GnT...)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Obligatory Nod to Deep Ellum

Click to enlarge our Deep Ellum tab, then add 2 more beers, an Old Fashioned, at least 4 more Powers and Diets, carry the 6, and you get DRUNK

oh, and also a Hosey balancing on bike-shaped bike racks as taxis speed by

not to mention Hosey pretending to be a field goal kicker and Gader pretending to be able to take artsy cell phone photography

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Phantom Gourmet Blair Witch Project

May 2, 2009 at the Phantom Gourmet Wine & Food Phest
Plenty of shaky video of the dance floor.

Some highlights of the event included food from Tosca, Lilly's Gourmet Pasta, and Upper Crust. Unfortunately the wine sucked for the most part and we never made it over to the Make Out Shed.

Sex in the champagne room can neither be confirmed nor denied.

Long Night of Drinkin' with the Boy

Cousin Sal of Podcast #9 fame...the kid parties hard

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mile/Beer 23+

Some sketchy-at-best amateur video of Beth running the Boston Marathon
It's super loud and there might not be any Beth involved in the entire clip

Some fellow Bostonian drunks equipped with Solo cups and a tambourine.
Also a nice shot of the T towards the back left.

Hosey may have nodded off or she might just be preparing to devour the small children sitting by the curb.

Follow That Bird...

The turkey moments after pecking at Brennan's sweet TL


Not our problem anymore.

Poop on a Stick

C'mon, tell me that doesn't look like an upside down fudgesicle in the water.

I wish I had worn a few extra pairs of Red Sox

Below you'll find a couple fuzzy cellphone pics from my trip to the Red Sox home opener. My brother was kind enough to hook me up with some of the Coca-Cola Pavillion seats. Great views of the field regardless of how cold it was. Enjoy.

Lovely weather, wouldn'tcha say? I wish I had a photo of a thermometer. It gets frigid up above the Green Monster.

Just barely got the flyby...those things are moving. I have no idea which way this photo should be facing.

Somewhere down there Sen. Teddy Kennedy is throwin the heat to Hall-of-Famer Jim Rice

Classy beer holders up in the Pavillion seats. The beer also comes directly from aluminum cans for some extra added flair

The P Hayes Compound

Where Pat's magic happens