Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hungry Hungry Harpos and other hilarious trivia night names

RE: Podcast Episode 5 and bars with fantastic/awkward-as-all-hell bathroom setups.

Our buddy JROCK finally snapped us a few choice photos of quite possibly the best bar/bar bathroom in all of the UMASS Amherst/Five College area.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... THE HARP!

Yes sir that is most definitely a trough just inches away from your standard sit down shitter, and yes, three people have been known to occupy the space at the same time.
(Not pictured is the window above the trough that looks out into the bar's parking lot.)

This is the wrap around bar at the Harp where myself and Mr. Hayes have been known to belly up to once or twice in our lives...where the pitchers of Molson flow like wine, and the fish and chips seem a bit too good for a place so far from the ocean.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What are you drinking tonight, Pat?

Oh just a little something delicious that the brewers at Dogfish Head cooked up for us....

Dear Rogues Gallery,
Is that a sloop?
-Pat and Gader

Action shots of Pat savoring the unfiltered, unfettered, and unprecedented Squall IPA from Dogfish Head.

If you thought their 90 Minute IPA was good, ooooh boy are you in for a bottle conditioned treat.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Open the Podcast Bay Doors, HAL

Check out our sweet new Behringer XENYX802 mixer in all its loose wire glory.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Gader Finally Stops Talking About Mexico...

¡Adios muchachos!

(Note how the sky in the picture is completely foreshadowing my return to Boston the next day and the subsequent 22 days of rain)
The swim up bar is where it's at... the combination 90 degree humidity bronzing the torso, bath temperature pool water covering the lower extremities/sucking out all your fluids via osmosis, and then the constant flow of frozen margarita from lips to stomach is quite pleasant. Plus when you finally fall off your bar stool it hurts much less (unless of course you drown).

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Feliz Cumpleanos A Mi

Chichen serpent itza-ing the big Mayan El Castillo pyramid

If you look REALLY close you'll notice the Mexican sleeping on top of the ruins to the right of the photo... I pass no judgement

(also it looks like Dr. H is peeing on the wall while Irene's Mom acts as a lookout)

And that brings me to my birthday dinner at the Sirloin Stockade. The fried chicken at the buffet was fantastic, but the lack of steak was a bit suspect. Their cows apparently also have the shortest legs ever.